Frequently Asked Questions
Featured Question
Can I drop my child off for an appointment?
Yes. We understand your busy schedule, and we are happy to help you make the most of your time. On some occasions, we may request to speak with a parent and will therefore ask them to attend the appointment.All Questions
- What's required before my exam appointment?
- Why should you choose an orthodontic specialist?
- Can I wear braces even though I have root canals, crowns and missing teeth?
- Is it too late to have braces if I am already an adult?
- How often should I brush my teeth while in braces?
- Are there foods I cannot eat while I have braces?
- Do I need to see my family dentist while in braces?
- Can I still play sports?
- Why do I need to wear elastics?
- Do you reuse braces?
- Do you give freezing (needles)?
- Can I return to school the day I receive my braces?
- Do braces hurt?
- Can I drop my child off for an appointment?
- Can I schedule all of my appointments after school?
- How often will I have appointments?
- How much will braces cost? Are financing options available? How does my insurance work?
- How long will it take to complete treatment?
- What will I learn from the initial examination?
- Is a referral required from my family dentist to see the orthodontist?
Coquitlam Orthodontics Orthopedia
Featured Orthopedia Entry
Bruxism (Tooth Grinding)
Clenching while moving the teeth against one another causing loss of enamel on the front and/or back teeth. Tooth grinding often occurs at night and most of the time individuals are not aware they are grinding their teeth.All Entries
- 8's (Wisdom Teeth, Third Molar)
- Aligners
- Baby Teeth (Primary Teeth, Deciduous Teeth, Milk Teeth)
- Bicuspid Teeth (Premolar Teeth)
- Bite (Occlusion)
- Bonding (Composite)
- Braces (Fixed Appliance)
- Bruxism (Tooth Grinding)
- Caps (Porcelain Veneers)
- Caries (Cavity)
- Cavity (Caries)
- Class III Malocclusion (Underbite)
- Composite (Bonding)
- Crowding
- Deciduous Teeth (Primary Teeth, Baby Teeth, Milk Teeth)
- Deep Bite
- Dental Midline
- Expander (Rapid Maxillary Expander, Rapid Palatal Expander)
- Extraction
- Fixed Appliance (Braces)
- Fluoride Mouthrinse
- Headgear
- Impacted Teeth
- Interproximal Disking (Interproximal Reduction)
- Interproximal Reduction (Interproximal Disking)
- Jaw Surgery (Orthognathic Surgery)
- Milk Teeth (Baby Teeth, Primary Teeth, Deciduous Teeth)
- Occlusion (Bite)
- Open Bite
- Orthognathic Surgery (Jaw Surgery)
- Overbite
- Permanent Teeth
- Plaque
- Porcelain Veneers (Caps)
- Premolar Teeth (Bicuspid Teeth)
- Primary Teeth (Baby Teeth, Deciduous Teeth, Milk Teeth)
- Rapid Maxillary Expander (Expander, Rapid Palatal Expander)
- Rapid Palatal Expander (Expander, Rapid Maxillary Expander)
- Retainer
- Sleep Apnea
- Spacing
- Surgical Expansion
- Surgically Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion (SARPE)
- Temporary Anchorage Devices (TADS)
- Third Molar (Wisdom Teeth, 8's)
- Tooth Grinding (Bruxism)
- Underbite (Class III Malocclusion)
- Wisdom Teeth (Third Molar, 8's)